Refund Policy

Your Pre-Sale Ticket

We only charge credit cards to the winning schools and markets meeting the most demand. If there’s not enough demand in the market, we by default lift the authorization placed on your account within 72-hours after the pre-sale is complete. This Authorization is a hold on your credit card. We lift the authorization with no further ties to the transaction

Your Official Event Ticket

All tickets are sent to the email address listed when purchasing your ticket. If you incorrectly entered your email address, we will notify you via text to obtain the correct email address to send your ticket. Depending on the music venue, we either issue formal tickets via Eventbrite or through someone like Ticketmaster or AXS Ticketing, two of the largest ticketing companies in the US.

Refund Policy

We offer a no questions asked, and 5-day grace period if can longer attend the event once the full lineup is announced. The best and fastest way to obtain a refund is to email Once this grace period on the official ticket is over, we will address refunds on a case-by-case basis. Email always.

Refund Policy with Covid-19

If events get rescheduled at a later date due to Covid-19, you can request a refund to 


If the event is cancelled in whole, or in part, due to a Force Majeure Event (as defined below), You will be entitled to a refund. A “Force Majeure Event” shall mean an act of God, act of terrorism, earthquake, wildfire, flood, tsunami, strike or other labor condition or dispute, an order or injunction of any court or administrative body or any other act of public authority, severe weather threatening the safety of Event attendees or similar contingency or unexpected event, and any such occurrence beyond the reasonable control of Company. 

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